2020 was quite the year, ups and downs for everyone.
My year started off with my final semester of my BFA photography degree, getting ready to graduate as I finished my final photography and ceramics classes. I had a lot of traveling planned for the semester and summer to complete for my photography class and portfolio as I was preparing to enter the freelance photography world. Of course, COVID changed all my photography plans.
Throughout the year I had periods where I didn’t shoot, couldn’t leave my state. I did the most I could around my state or less populated areas while COVID affected my year and all.
Here are my photography top picks from 2020.

At this point, I usually do a few day trips to NYC a year. Last minute, myself and a photographer I met on Twitter, Sam Lally, planned a NYC day trip.

Rockport, MA during off season. A nice quiet day mostly to myself, fine tuning my practice on log exposures.

My last trip, the week before the shut down. Annual family trip to Sarasota to see family and brought my friend along. Never ideal for photos but I always get some good ones out of what our itinerary consists of.

Daily walks around the neighborhood, trying to get an ounce of creativity.

My favorite place in the state, Watch Hill, was regularly visited during the summer.

Once I was allowed to go to the rest of New England, I planned the heck out of a day trip to North Conway, New Hampshire to capture the foliage.

Finally, a foggy day when I was actually free to shoot. But it also rained the entire day. I have to say it was worth it.
Which one is your favorite? Despite a tough year, did you capture some favorites this year? Feel free to comment!